The challenges of China's international integration
The main aim of our China Project organized and implemented by the International Center for Development and Democratic Transition (ICDT) is to assess China’s integration into-, and relation towards the current global status quo. The end goal and output of the project was a complex study examining the subject, while also serving as a source of ideas regarding the future, which then might be used by different policy makers.
The position of Hungary in this global setting was also assessed, which completed other findings of the study. The data needed was gathered from different experts through online workshops and interviews.
Regarding the structure of implementation, the study consisted of three distinct study areas, all with the goal of providing a better understanding regarding the differences and similarities of the Western world and China, closely focusing on U.S./Europe – China relations.
The three areas are: economic-, strategic-, and political – institutional dimensions.
As a first step, each of these topics was discussed in the form of online conferences, resulting in useful information, which was later summarized as a draft study. This provided the basis for a second, complementary online conference, which produced more precise findings, completed in written format. The partial studies was used as the basis for an online conference discussing the ways Hungary could positively influence the examined processes and situations.
As a closing act of the project, a final, written, complete study had been summarized and we communicated the findings of previous conferences and documents.
[Public event, 2022.01.25.]: The Story Behind: The Rise of a Giant – Kína a világban : https://fb.watch/beiTpMdjQV/
The project was sponsored by: