The Story Behind: China after the CCP Congress in a World Confronting Unprecedented Economic and Security Challenges
November 15th, 2022 | 10 AM Budapest time (CET)
China's policy, following the CCP's most recent Congress, will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on the further development of the World economy and security as well as the changes in the International political order.
Join our live session on 15 November 2022 at 10:00 (CET) on our Facebook page: ICDT - International Center for Development and Democratic Transition | Facebook
We invited the following experts to discuss the case of China:
Host: Zsolt Rábai, Senior Vice-President of ICDT Foundation
Guest speaker: Professor Yiwei Wang, Director of Institute of International Affairs and Director of Center for European Union Studies, Renmin University of China
​Commentator: András Bartók, Assistant Professor at the University of Public Services, Budapest
The following topics will be covered:
The World faces serious economic, political and security challenges as the consequences of COVID, the climate change, the energy crisis, Russia's war against Ukraine, the food crisis, the migration etc.
According to many experts, the present International World Order will have to go through deep changes. What will bring along the dynamics of the changes?
Are we heading for more confrontation or for a more integrative system?
Schedule of the meeting:
10.00-10.05 - Introduction by Zsolt Rábai
10.05-10.20 - Keynote speech by Professor Yiwei Wang
10.20-10.30 - Comments by András Bartók
10.30- Q&A and comments
Follow the event on Facebook live and address your questions to the experts in comments.

The Story Behind: The Rise of a Giant – China in the World
January 25th, 2022. | 10 AM Budapest time (CET)
On 17th January, the Chinese President, Xi Jinping has delivered his first major speech of the new year at the World Economic Forum. What is behind his speech? ICDT Foundation would like to contribute to a better understanding of China with the next webinar of the "The Story Behind" series.
Join our live session on 25 January 2022 at 10:00 (CET) on our Facebook page: ICDT - International Center for Development and Democratic Transition | Facebook
During the event, the the following topics were discussed:
China's political influence, economic dominance and fast developing military power makes it inevitable to better understand the Chinese vision of a new International World Order.
If the present International World Order has to be reformed/changed, where is the common denominator - if any - between the Chinese and the Western approach?
The West might like or dislike the present Chinese politics, but there is one thing it has to do: the West must try to get to know and understand China.
Professor Dr Yiwei Wang, Jean Monnet Chair Professor, Director of Institute of International Affairs, Director of Center for European Union Studies, Renmin University of China
Mr. András Bartók, Assistant Professor, Faculty of International and Diplomatic Studies, National University of Public Services, Budapest
Dr. István Gyarmati Ambassador, Professor, President ICDT
Follow the event on Facebook live and address your questions to the experts in comments.
The Story Behind Part IV. - Afghanistan between chaos and new order
September 14th, 2021. | 3:30 PM Budapest time (GMT + 1)
We are happy to invite you to the next event of Kodolányi University Chair of International Relations’ Geopolitical Forum and ICDTs „The Story Behind” series, in cooperation with Neumann János University’s Eurasia Research Center on „Afghanistan between chaos and new order”.
The webinar will take place on 14th of September at 15:30 pm (Budapest time) in English language.
Ms. Sima Samar Chair of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Comission, former Minister
Dr. Attila Demkó Head, Geopolitical Section of Mathias Corvinus Collegium
Prof. István Tózsa Head, Geopolitical Research Centre, Neumann János University
Dr. István Gyarmati Ambassador, Professor, Kodolányi János University, President ICDT

The Story Behind Part III. - Quo Vadis NATO? NATO 2030 after the summit
July 12nd, 2021 | 2:00 PM Budapest time (GMT + 1) live on ICDT Facebook page
NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană discussed the outcomes of the NATO Summit and the NATO 2030 agenda, addressing the Alliance’s future challenges and opportunities, including Russia, the rise of China, new technologies, and partnerships, in an online webinar with the International Centre for Development and Democratic Transition on Monday.
The topic was explained by the following eminent experts:
The main speaker was Mircea Geoană, Deputy Secretary General of NATO
The host was Dr. Gyarmati István – Professor, Ambassador, President of ICDT Foundation
During the discussion, we covered the following exciting topics:
NATO - Russia
NATO seems to be returning to its „old” job: deterring and containing Russia. Is Russia the „new Soviet Union”?
NATO - China
First time in NATO’s history China appears as a security challenge. Is the rise of this new superpower a danger for our security and what can NATO do to deal with it.
Innovation and Emerging Disruptive Technologies
New technologies pose a totally unknown challenge to security from drones to cyberthreats. What can we do to deal with it and how NATO can be most effective?
An innovative way of dealing with challenges is the establishment of new partnerships of NATO as well as promoting the oldest one with the European Union. How can partnerships make a serious contribution to NATO’s role especially in Asia?

The Story Behind Part II. - America: Superpower again?
June 9th, 2021. | 3:30 PM Budapest time (GMT + 1) live on ICDT Facebook page
In the second part of our webinar series, The Story Behind, we addressed the issue of the position of the United States as a superpower and the challenges that come with it.
The topic was explained by the following eminent experts:
Damon Wilson: EVP of the Atlantic Council
Tomáš Valášek: Member of the Slovak National Council
The host: Dr. Gyarmati István – Professor, Ambassador, President of ICDT Foundation
During the discussion, we covered the following exciting questions:
Biden dealing with Trump legacy
Biden has to deal with the poisonous legacy of the Trump presidency without throwing out the baby with the bathing water.
Major challenges I.: Democracy at home and worldwide
The US faces complicated challenges: it has to address the challenges posed to the democratic governance abroad, but has to deal with similar issues at home as well.
Major challenges II.: China, Russia and Europe
The world order is in chaos and there are powerful challengers. A retrograde declining power, Russia and a rising superpower, China. The US must deal with them as they form a growing alliance but remaining very different at the same time.
North Korea, Iran and others
Will Biden be able to rebuild a strong alliance with Europe and complement it with Australia, Japan, India and others?

The Story Behind Part I. - The COVID pandemic's impact on the world economy: Is there a way out?
May 5th, 2021. | 3PM Budapest time (GMT + 1) live on ICDT Facebook page
The ICDT is launching a series of webinars called "The Story Behind", in which we will explore exciting, up-to-date issues with invited experts. You can participate at the monthly webinars live on ICDT Facebook page!
In the first webinar of „The Story Behind” series, Zsolt Rábai Senior Vice-President of ICDT discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy with the top-level economic expert Dr. György Surányi, professor at Corvinus University and former President of the Hungarian National Bank.
Professor Adrian Kendry, who worked for almost two decades as NATO Senior Defence Economist and was the Strategic Adviser of the 12th NATO Secretary General, had also accepted ICDT's invitation to be a discussant at the first "The Story Behind" webinar about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy.
The COVID pandemic has a devastating effect on world economy, causing the probably worst crisis since the Great Depression. But its effects are also different: more long lasting. Will globalisation be seriously affected? Stopped, reversed or modified?
Will the structure of the world economy change? Will the US keep its leading role? Or will China take over? Is there a chance for Europe to keep its third place?
A heated debate is going on about the most appropriate crises management. There is a striking division between the American and European macro response. How does this impact the potential recovery of both side of the Atlantic?